The Family Leaves Me

My wife and 3 wonderful kids left on a road trip today. Their destination...first, Boise, and then Spokane. They will be gone for 2 weeks. That means I have to fend for myself. It's a lonely thing to have the 4 closest people in my life drive down the road without me. I depend on them for, love, entertainment, waking me up at night, making sure I have band-aids on my "owees", finding anything I have lost, and more. Here is what I'll miss most about each of them. Alice is my little side-kick. She loves me so much. I can't remember if Randi and Benji were like that or not, but she can go from grumpy to ecstatic the moment I enter the room. She loves to sleep by me, and I welcome it. Benji is the little man in my life. We band together as the boys of the house. He loves to help me fix anything. Most recently it was a broken belt on the vacuum cleaner. I miss laying by him on his matress on the floor as he falls asleep. I used to do that all the time, but now I don't make it past putting Alice to sleep. And Miranda, a.k.a Randi-pants. She is our ever-so-capable big girl. I'll miss her wanting to assist in anything from setting the table for dinner, to vacuuming the living room, to brushing her teeth. She is so smart. I'll miss her being excited to go to her little pre-school. She was wearing my jacket this morning, and said she was going to take it with her so she wouldn't forget about me. I'll miss my wife Kara most of all. She is my only real friend. I'll miss her telling me stories about her adventures with three rowdy kids each day. I'll miss her being appreciative of anything and everything I do around the house, from washing the dishes, to taking out the trash. I'll miss our middle-of-the-night chats after getting a bottle for Alice. Pretty much I'll be lonely for two weeks.
I try to set goals for things I'd like to accomplish while I have all this free-time on my hands, but I lose motivation quickly. Here are a few of my goals for this time. I want to go to the Central Utah Electronics Supply store on State St. in Provo. I want to rake out the area by our house that has tulips and daffodills coming up in it. I want to start building a family website by just coding in html. Along with that I want to find out how much it costs to host a website, and who I contact about that. And lastly, I want to maybe take a trip up to the Gateway mall in Salt Lake City and visit the new Apple store. Maybe I can convince Dad and the boys to go with me. That would be fun.
That's all 'til Monday.
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