Friday, September 22, 2006

The iLifeZone

I have been listening to a great podcast geared toward Mac users called the iLifeZone podcast .
I definitely recommend listening to it to find out about what's going on in the Mac community, to hear about new software, or to just learn more about your Mac. I have been listening for about 3 months, and I never miss an episode now. Check out their blog to see the photo of Steve Wosniak on his Segway. That's cool!!
That's all for today.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

More podcast ideas

I am always dreaming up new ideas and angles for podcasts I want to produce and hope to make these dreams realities in the near future.
Today's ideas are:
1. a show with my wife where we talk about marriage and parenting. Positive reinforcement of the family would be a great thing.
2. the 4 generations podcast. It would be fun to pick a topic and discuss it with my grandfather, my father, and my son, also giving my own opinions.
3. conference coverage. I am amazed at the diversity and abundance of all the various conferences and conventions that exist. I think it would be interesting to talk about them, and perhaps even get into some of them and record live. Maybe they would let me into an event for free.
I was thinking a cool domain name to host some of my podcasts would be We'll see. I'm off to class.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Podcasting Teacher

I recently discovered a new podcast called the Podcast for Teachers. I have found it be interesting and to contain very relevant information for me as I prepare to both teach and be involved with technology. The first podcast of theirs that I listened to was episode 49. The most interesting part of this episode was an audio comment called in by Dr. Joselyn Todd who teaches at the Cary Academy in North Carolina. She has had students do project that involve both podcasting and vodcasting. Here are two links to some of their projects: link1, link2.
She talked about the pros and cons of doing both podcasts and vodcasts. It was cool to listen to the firsthand experience of someone who has done these kind of projects with 7th grade students. I am so interested in doing podcasts with my students, it is really encouraging to see the work others are doing.        
As each week goes by, I get closer to getting my new black Macbook and to starting my own podcasts. I can't wait to get started myself so that I'll be ready to get my students up and running with their own podcasts hopefully by the second or third week of school next Fall when I start teaching.