Friday, August 25, 2006

Job searching

Yesterday I got on the website for the Montana State Office of Public Service. I was looking to find job listings for technology teachers. They have a great listing of jobs. I ended up finding 2 jobs that seemed very appealing to me. One was in Darby, MT, and the other was in Lima, MT. The one in Lima looks like it would be awesome. I believe that it said the school was very small with like 100 students in grades 7-12. Class size would be like 11 students. How awesome would that be!! The down side to going to a school that small might be that funding might be very minimal. Also, I'm sure that a school like that will have computers, but they won't be Macs. It may take some convincing to get the school to buy some. I'll have to show the powers that be what the students are capable of and how a Mac can facilitate the students projects.
Today I'm going to look for jobs in Idaho and see what I can find. I want to start contacting school during this fall semester so I can line a job up as quickly as possible.


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