Thursday, July 13, 2006

Don't focus on "learning"

As I contemplate what my over-arching objective will be in my classroom as a teacher, many things come to mind. A typical response to a question about this may be, "I want my students to learn." I believe that kind of answer is too generic and too meaningless. I think we should be thinking more abstractly about what will get our students to achieve meaningful learning. I want my students to be able to solve problems. I want my students to be able to make dreams or visions reality. I want my students to serve. I believe that by focusing on these kinds of objectives students will be much better served than if I just think in terms of "learning." I don't believe in rote memorization, I believe in application of principles.
I don't believe in forcing all students to do one assignment one way. In a classroom of 30 students, I believe there will be 30 different ways of doing that assignment.
Learning is a very individual, personal activity. For it to actually occur, I believe the status quo must change and that as teachers we must look in new directions without being chained to the past.


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