Creativity is Key
As I prepare to be a high school technology teacher, I think a lot about what I want to emphasize in my classroom. I'm not going to give tests. I'm not going to give homework. I want the students to be learning hands-on 95% of the time. There are times when I'll need to give a mini-lecture to communicate some valuable information that will help them, but hopefully not too often. I want my students to be doing projects. Videos, podcasts, robotics, computer programs, woods, metals, anything. I want them to learn to work in teams as well as individually. I want my students to become personally invested in those projects. By being invested in their projects, they will come to class and be ready to work, they won't cause discipline problems, they will have fun, and they will push themselves to learn more than I would probably teach them on my own. These projects will come about because of creativity. Creativity is the key. I will start off the school year with exercises to help my students tap into their natural creativity. We all have creativity within us, although sometimes it may be difficult to access because it isn't regularly exercised. By getting the creative ball rolling, they will be able to come up with the most amazing things. I have seen it in my own life and can't wait to see it in my students.